Call for Applications – TV Drama Director Attachments on POWER RANGERS | Pift Pacific Islanders in Film & TV


DEGNZ invites applications for two TV Children’s action adventure Attachments on Power Rangers Productions Ltd TV series Power Rangers – Ninja Steel & Ninja Super Steel (Seasons 24 & 25).

Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Ninja Super Steel, produced by Chip Lynn and Sarah Spurway, comprises of 44 x 30 minute episodes for an international children’s action adventure series.

The successful candidates will attach to 3-4 different experienced TV drama directors, being able to be involved with the full process of pre-production, production and post production.

There are two paid attachments, which are currently scheduled to take place as follows:

Internship #1 – 25 September to 23 December 2016

Internship #2 – 15 January to 4 May 2017.

Depending on level of expertise there may be an opportunity to direct one or more scenes.

The contract fee is $1000 per week (50 hour week). The working week is Sunday to Thursday.

The aim of an attachment is to:

  • develop and upskill new television drama directors and
  • contribute to the ongoing production of quality future television drama and
  • provide another training pathway to the limited opportunities currently available.

To be eligible, successful applicants must:

  • Be a FULL member of DEGNZ, and
  • Have a keen interest in television drama, and


  • Have 2 short film credits publicly screened to a paying audience at an NZFC accredited short film festival*, OR
  • Have held a position as the first assistant director of a publicly distributed and released feature film or TV drama series OR
  • Have won an award for a short film at an NZFC accredited film festival*, OR
  • Have proven dramatic narrative experience in a screen medium

*The NZFC list of accredited short film festivals here

To apply, please download the application form cover sheet from the DEGNZ website here, and submit the following in electronic form ONLY (single Word file or PDF) by 5PM Wednesday 31st August, 2016 to [email protected] with POWER RANGERS PRODUCTION LTD in the subject line:

  • Completed Application Form Cover Sheet with your FULL DEGNZ Membership No., including links to your publicly screened works
  • A full CV & Filmography
  • A reference (from a senior screen industry practitioner)
  • A proposal of a maximum of 1-page outlining why you want to do the attachment.

NB: Do NOT send separate documents. Please compile into one Word document of PDF.

A shortlist will be developed from applicants. An interview may or may not be required.

We will notify you as to whether or not your application has been successful, but no further correspondence will be entered into regarding your application and the decision will be final.

We look forward to receiving your applications.

This initiative has been made possible with the support of the New Zealand Film Commission and Power Rangers Productions Ltd.



