Featured Updates | Pift Pacific Islanders in Film & TV

Talent Development Executive We are currently recruiting for a Talent Development Executive to join our small Wellington-based team. The Talent Development Executive will replace the previous Professional Development Executive role and is tied to the NZFC’s commitment… img_parkroadpost-6271708 Incredible opportunity for film students to learn from the best at Park Road Post in Wellington. Course runs 31 Oct – 11 Nov. Fee $2000 (scholarships and/or crowd funding?). Apply online.      … ninjasteellogo2-1030x497-2370074 From DEGNZ DEGNZ invites applications for two TV Children’s action adventure Attachments on Power Rangers Productions Ltd TV series Power Rangers – Ninja Steel & Ninja Super Steel (Seasons 24 & 25). Power Rangers Ninja Steel & Ninja Super Steel, produced… queenie_helen-and-danny-700x394-2075140 From Script to Screen  Is there a story you would like to tell through film but don’t know where to start? Script to Screen presents the 2016 Wellington Short Film Workshop – a two-day workshop that will give you everything you need to know to make a short film. Over… Screenlink, the DEGNZ (Directors and Editors Guild NZ) networking event, this time round is a combo event in Auckland with PIFT and Nga Aho Whakaari. PIFT members are invited to attend a networking nite on Tuesday 5th July 6pm – 8pm: The Longroom Ponsonby (The… 4a2bc5d0-03ed-4faa-a9d8-3c9de6bb3bcd-2592949 The Pasifika Film Festival based in Sydney, after a successful three years will expand in 2016.  The planned festival will now take place in Sydney, Brisbane and make it’s way over the ditch to Aotearoa in February 2017.  If you have not seen the Fest…



