NZWG Seed Grants | Pift Pacific Islanders in Film & TV


Created by Writers for Writers

To give this industry its best chance of success we need strong and new ideas. We need stories that resonate. NZWG believe in different pathways for developing these stories. We need to allow writers space to find their voices.

The goal of these New Zealand Film Commission funded grants is to create an opportunity for writers to create feature film scripts.  Seed provides unencumbered development funding specifically for writers only.

NZWG Seed Grants are offered over three rounds this year with a total of ten grants of $10,000 (+GST) made available for the development of feature film scripts. Three grants were awarded in the first round, with seven grants available across Rounds Two and Three for 2016. Included in each grant $2,500 to put toward script consultation per feature film script.

These grants represent an opportunity for writers to be innovative, to be brilliant, and to be excited about the chance to create something they own.


Seed Round TWO

OPEN for entries: 10 August 2016

Deadline: 3 September 2016, 12 noon

Seed Round THREE

OPEN for entries: 23 September 2016

Deadline: 28 October 2016, 12 noon


Step 1. Order Online

Seed Grant application plus optional feedback if required.

Step 2. Print COVERSHEET TC Form

Step 3. Read the 2016 NZWG Seed Grants Guide and the Do’s and Don’ts

Step 4. Deliver completed application by midday on deadline date *please note: Seed Grant Round Two 2016 dates have been postponed

NB: Outcome of each NZWG Seed Grant round is notified six weeks following the deadline date.

NZ Writers Guild Seed Grants are made possible by generous funding provided by The New Zealand Film Commission – Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga

Previous Recipients of NZWG Seed Grant Funding

2016 ROUND 1

Shoshana Sachidhanandam Fiona Jackson & Daniel Fleming

Stephen Kang



